To quote Stevie Ray Vaughan in his song Tic Tock, "Last night while sleeping in my bed, I had a beautiful dream."
I'm at the White House, in some elegantly appointed office. I'm talking to a top aid about submitting my candidacy for president of the US. We're discussing the pros and cons; he's encouraging me to do it. I think, "why not?" and sign the index card which is my submission. Next thing I know, I won. I didn't run a campaign; I was just minding my own business at home (the one I live in now) and news comes that I am now President Elect of the US. I'm amazed and deeply aware of what a huge responsibility lays before me. I see my neighbor across the fence and ask her, "Do you believe I'm elected?" She looks at me openly and says, "You're nervous, huh?" Next I'm at a picnic, talking to President Obama. Now that he no longer has to be president, he's wearing a blue and white striped polo shirt and navy shorts; I call him by his first name and ask him many questions about his experience. He's supportive, warm and congenial and answers my questions honestly. I ask him what cabinet position he'd like because I want him on my team.
Maybe this is what I get for poking around in President Lincoln's dream.
My teaching point from this dream is about the power of dream imagery to re-energize us on a soul level. I was feeling kinda blue, overwhelmed perhaps; waking up with this dream, I can't get the smile off my face. How a dream makes you feel when you wake up is a huge clue to it's message. For me, this is a soul level message: You're elected. You can do it. This is about my soul's purpose. No one explains this function of dreaming better than Robert Moss:
"One of the greatest gifts of dreaming is that it puts us in touch with soul. It takes us beyond the limited understanding of the everyday self and shows us who we are, what our soul’s purpose is in this life experience and what our heart truly yearns for. There is a word for this vital function of dreams in the language of the Huron, a dreaming people of North America. The word is ondinnonk, and it means a "secret wish of the soul", especially as revealed in dreams. This expression takes us to the heart of healing. By connecting with our dreams, and celebrating and acting on the information they gift to us, we bring the energy and magic of soul into our daily lives. As we allow our big dreams to take root in this world, we become whole and well, and start living our deeper story. As we help others to honor and celebrate their soul guidance, as revealed in dreams, we become healers and dreambringers."
(from Dreaming True).
Soul work in dreams doesn't have to manifest sanctimoniously. Humor is a favorite teaching tool of the dream source, something I truly appreciate. My experience working with other people's dreams suggests that it's not just me; dream humor is widespread. (I think divinity without humor is dangerous; following humorless divinity leads to a lot of unnecessary suffering, in my opinion.)
This dream tells me I'm up for the challenge my life is presenting; there are several layers of meaning I can explore in it. Psychologically, I can be president of us, me and all my moods and thoughts and experiences; my ego is strong enough to find the right balance. That's one way to look at it. Or, perhaps I will be asked to take a leadership role of great responsibility in the future. Definitely, it's a dream I'm going to re-enter soon and continue my discussions, especially with Barack. This little dream is a gold mine.
I'm grateful for this kind of support and guidance from my dream life and I offer it as just one wee example of the power of an on-going dream dialogue and practice.
As for me; I'm humming a new tune today:
United States Air Force Band
Hells Bells! I'd vote for you!! :-)